sábado, 9 de mayo de 2009

Casas viejas

4 comentarios:

Margaret Pangert dijo...

Hi Gerald~ I love the countryside, too. How lush and gree it is in Costa Rica! and I love how bold, vivid colors are used on homes, especially the turquoise. Best, Margaret

Margaret Pangert dijo...

P.S., Gerald, Thank you for your nice comments on my blog! I really appreciated it. Marg

Unknown dijo...

hi! Thanks for your comment. Same here! Love to see such wonderful sceneries/pictures from abroad even through the web and not in person to see those wonderful creations. like yours. Costa Rica, right?


That is the chicken dijo...

This is a great series of photos. I especially like the ones with the dogs and the shadows. It has a great mood to it.